Uncanny X-Men #15.INH Review

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This is my first review of any comic ever, so I’ll try to keep to too many personal feelings for Magik from getting in here. I guess it isn’t’ even much of a review, maybe more of a retell with dumb comments and shitty jokes.  I also haven’t read too many comics before this, so I might have a different perspective on things. I found one of my new favourite artists. Kris Anka draws Magik in one of my favourite ever. I like seeing her with a muscular abdomen. I’m also a fan of Doctor Strange being drawn in a Vincent Price-like manner, suits him well.

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So it starts off with Illyana having fallen asleep during meditation with Doctor Strange. It’s cute seeing her like that. She gets woke up with a spell from Strange and almost hits him with her sword, oops. Strange decides training is done for the day and dismisses her so she may go back to her time. As she preparing to leave, Wong asks if he is still alive, without giving a shit about strange or without answer. I mean, wow, Wong what is your damage?

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As Illyana returns to her room she is met by the Stepford sisters (along with Eva) prying about where she spends her time when she’s gone. Of course Ilyana pulls out her favourite promise of turning people into frogs if they dare annoy her. The girls reveal their true intentions of disturbing Illyana to ask for clothes and other necessities and bring in a passing by Jean. Illyana misses their point and requests they make a list so she will fetch everything for them. Could you imagine if Illyana was clothes shopping FOR them. Like, she just comes back with a bunch of edgy clothing from like, Hot Topic or Spencer’s. Then again, maybe that would work for Eva, but what about the Cuckoos or Jean?

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So telling Illyana how it really is they tell her they want to go shopping like other girls their age. It kind of reminds me of X-Men cartoon. Remember when Storm and Rogue were out in a mall when a sentinel attacked? Anyway “Okay, so go shopping.” again missing the point. They want Illyana to come along too. I guess Illyana just doesn’t quite think of her self as part of the group. Finally, one of the Stepfords say it. “Girls’ night out” Illyana still hasn’t quite got it yet, and asks why they don’t ask Emma instead, and to her confusion is told she is they nice one. Sure she’s the kind of person to drop people off in the middle of nowhere without telling them why, but she’s also the kind to make silly jokes at inappropriate times. She’s not as bad a she might think. Anka kind of draws Illyana’s face in a “interesting” way, she seems more mature or perhaps old than usual. Illyana is warned that Emma doesn’t like to be woke up anyway, but…

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Here we are seeing Emma sleeping in strange position, who thought SHE would sleep like that? Initially, she is quite pissed that she would be disturbed because, who would want to be caught like that? She quickly abandons her frustration and is quite shocked to her that finally, they get a break and get to have some fun! Only problem, no money. Oh right she was the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, right, never mind. Emma demands Kitty comes with them without choice. Kitty refuses, but Jean convinces her otherwise.

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Piccadilly Square is the location of choice for such a shopping spree. Mindee wanted to invite the guys but Eva disagrees with a borderline sexist comment. Kitty obviously says such. Wouldn’t that be nice? Going with Illyana all dressed up for her night out might give me a heart attack though, but in a good way. Does that make sense? Then again I would probably just laugh at Emma, I mean look at that. It looks so ridiculous to me, look at her hair and little gloves. Although if I laughed at her I know there would be dire consequences that I couldn’t even begin to imagine. Starving from the Hot Topic visits (I don’t think they even have those in London, so these already bad jokes go even further to waste.) they go to a diner where the Stepfords sit away from the others and Emma eats alone. Personally, I have a hard time eating around people so I don’t blame Emma. Eva brings the Jean and Stepford discourse into the conversation, uh-oh.

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And wow, do I mean uh-oh. Jean and uh, Celeste I believe make a scene in the diner. Good going Eva, perhaps she should have stopped time and have thought things through before starting things. Illyana however tunes out the shouting and chooses to just enjoy her time. Never change Illyana. They finally take notice of the police sirens and realize something big happening. Illyana looks so amazing. I really can’t express that enough, especially without being annoying about it. I love seeing her fashion style. She can be tough and fashionable even as the queen of what is basically hell, without giving off too much of an “I’m not like most girls” vibe. Emma doesn’t look too bad without all the accessories though. She actually looks terrifying in a grouchy way.

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They exit the diner to find a crowd of people and police lights. Jean and Mindee attempt to read the mind of the cause of such concern, but to no avail.

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They find a gross cocoon thing and the Stepfords hear of news. A terrigen bomb went off to cause this. We come to find out… it’s an inhumans tie-in!

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A confused inhuman bursts out of the cocoon thing to find the mutants.

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He’s a Latverian fellow. He’s freaked out to see mutants (mutant-phobe) even though he’s not exactly human anymore either. Angry that people are in his head he unleashes so kind of force that pushes the X-Men back.

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A.I.M. comes to take the newly changed inhuman with them and identify the X-Men. Apparently, he made everyone’s central nervous system “reboot”. A.I.M. leaves the mutants behind figuring that mutants will start wars with themselves and destroy their own population.

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The sisters send the police away with their mind powers, Emma pulls the plug on girls’ night, and Illyana sends them home.


Well, that was a fun issue. I love comics like these, the once in a while filler. It’s almost like a reward for everyone. You sit around for the stressful action, (or you write them) and you get to enjoy just a fun thing like this. In a way, it almost gives a bit of depth to certain characters. You get to see what people are like in everyday situations, how they dress or how they behave like regular people. They don’t have to be “heroes” all the time, everyone needs a break now and again. It also allows other audiences to enjoy what they might also like. Some people like things that are just about having fun and enjoying life and I think this would appeal to that. Some people love Kitty Pryde, Emma Frost, or (if you’re foolish like me) you’re hopelessly in love with Illyana (help me) and you just want to get to know them better. This issue doesn’t do too much for plot but none the less, I love and thinks it well worth a read. Especially since it will be infinitely better than how I could ever put it, and without my shitty jokes or rambling about Magik. Thanks for making it through my awful jokes, you are truly strong if you did.

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